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velvet finishes

create, kellie's design studio, velvet finishes

DIY: Watercolor Walls

July 21, 2015 • By

DIY:  Watercolor Walls

I’m sure you have seen all of the images of the incredible watercolor wall coverings going around Pinterest lately.  They are amazing.  I love the fluidity and the sense of calm it can bring to a space.

I wanted to create this look in the studio but I wanted to DIY it, rather than order a wall mural.

ww cover (1)

I absolutely love the way it turned out!


interior design, looks to love

Color Love: Turquoise

July 7, 2015 • By

Do you love the color turquoise?

I do too.

I recently had the wonderful experience of spending two weeks in Israel. It was an amazing trip and I can’t wait to share some of the highlights with you guys but, for now, I want to tell you that my trip inspired my new-found/resurging/not like I didn’t already have it LOVE for turquoise.

Check out these gorgeous spaces that bring turquoise to life!