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SmithHonig Went to AmericasMart Atlanta!

Remember the globally inspired home decor line, SmithHönig, that my partner Melanie and I finally launched?

(you can read all about it here)

Well, this past month we hit up AmericasMart Atlanta and I wanted to share with you all our experience. If you are taking your kids shopping with you in Atlanta and need ideas on what fun things to do with them to then read Atlanta Parent Magazine it has plenty of tips on things to do.

SmithHonig went to AmericasMart Atlanta!

SmithHonig - globally inspired home decor. View our experience at AmericasMart Atlanta and save 15% at SmithHonig. Bohemian and Eclectic home decor.

This was actually our second time showing at market.

For this show, we launched our SmithHonig wallcoverings and oh my goodness they were beautiful.

Here we showcased our Neela Blue pattern on the wall and drapes. SmithHonig art adorned the walls and our luxurious pillows rested on this amazing daybed!

See, I’m always hard at work! 😉 A designer’s job is never done.

Here we were hiring home roofers arvada co and preparing for market – love seeing our patterns and textiles coming to life!

Ready for more pattern?

Everything that you see here are SmithHonig originals – inspired by our travels.

I seriously could not pick a favorite section of our booth.

This interesting corner was definitely one of my favorites though!

Our Moroccan Knot wallcovering paired with our graffiti-inspired All Love wall art had me weak at the knees, friends.

We were honored to have been awarded the award for Visual Display in DECOR at this year’s America’s Mart!

(we won this award at the last market as well, woo hoo)

It’s all in the details…

These were our press kits – a message in a bottle! How clever?! Way to go Melanie on this one.

All Love. Love All. That’s our motto.

Thank you AmericasMart for a great July show!

SmithHonig - globally inspired home decor. View our experience at AmericasMart Atlanta and save 15% at SmithHonig. Bohemian and Eclectic home decor.

SmithHönig is still a work in progress. We are continuing to make upgrades to the website and add new products but there’s plenty to see!

We launched with art, pillows and fabric by the yard.  We are adding furniture and jewelry, as well as one-of-a-kind items we find along the way.

Each and every piece and pattern has a story.

Now are you ready for some SmithHönig savings?!

Head over to SmithHö and use coupon code


at checkout to receive 15% savings!!

SmithHonig - globally inspired home decor. View our experience at AmericasMart Atlanta and save 15% at SmithHonig. Bohemian and Eclectic home decor.

To stay in touch with our current collections, fun travels, and amazing textiles please subscribe to our list below!

I hope that you all enjoy what we are offering at SmithHönig!

Stay tuned for more!


SmithHonig - globally inspired home decor. View our experience at AmericasMart Atlanta and save 15% at SmithHonig. Bohemian and Eclectic home decor.

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