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Use O’verlays to Update Your Furniture

Have a piece of furniture that could use a facelift?

Use O’verlays to Update Your Furniture

Are you familiar with O’verlays?

They.  Are.  Awesome.

Do you have a tired old piece of furniture that could use a new life? Let O'verlays transform your piece into something fabulous!

Like, for real.

I first discovered O’verlays several years ago.  I’ve been hooked ever since.

O’verlays are lightweight, glueable panels that can completely change the way a piece of furniture looks.

They work on wood, metal, mirror, glass – you name it!

They are revolutionary!

I used them to transform a hutch that resides in my studio.

This piece used to be a built-in in my Mom’s dining room.

I show up at her house one day about 15 years ago and this 13′ long thing is at the street.  She put it there for the City to haul off.

Yes this is a true story.

I know, I was appalled too.

Needless to say, I grabbed it before anyone else could figure out how to haul the beast.

Does she not know me at all?

I pick stuff up on the side of the road all the time and she is giving away this killer piece to the first person that can figure out how to haul it???

What the heck?  What.  The.  Heck.

Anyway, back to the point of how awesome the piece looks with the O’verlays…

Do you have a tired old piece of furniture that could use a new life? Let O'verlays transform your piece into something fabulous!

I mean, really.

This piece has been about 20 different colors over the years.  For now she is on a deep  navy blue wall and is painted with Velvet Finishes Glamorous.

The hardware is the original hardware and I spray painted it the same gold as I did the O’verlay.

I’m not going to lie, I do not remember what spray paint I used.

Spray painting the O’verlays is super easy.  Lay them on a tarp and spray.  Done.

I used the Anne pattern and I think it gives it just enough glam!

 O’verlays work fantastic with Glue Dots for many applications. Glue Dots come on a roll of wax paper and are pliable.  They have a lot of uses!  You can also use a liquid glue to apply your O’verlay.

Do you have a tired old piece of furniture that could use a new life? Let O'verlays transform your piece into something fabulous!

O’verlays and Velvet Finishes gave this tired old piece new life and I absolutely love it!

Do you have a tired old piece of furniture that could use a new life? Let O'verlays transform your piece into something fabulous!

One of the cooler things O’verlays has done, like inventing an awesome product isn’t enough, they make special kits for Ikea Hacks.

They have over 15 Ikea furniture kits!!

Check out this awesome O’verlay Ikea Hack from City Farmhouse.

City Farmhouse BHG Makeover Madness featuring O'verlays

This was in conjunction with Better Homes and Gardens Makeover Madness and you can find Jen’s detailed tutorial here.

To find more O’verlay Ikea Hack ideas, be sure to check out the O’verlay Pinterest board.  There is a ton of inspiration to be had!!!


Do you have a tired old piece of furniture that could use a new life? Let O'verlays transform your piece into something fabulous!

So are you looking around your house for a piece that needs new life with O’verlays?

Me too.

Please share your makeover pictures!

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This post contains affiliate links.  If you click and purchase, I make a small commission.  Yay me!  However, it does not cost you one red cent more.  Yay you!  I call that a win/win!  Thank you for helping support my O’verlay addiction.

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  1. leilani says:

    Wow, that’s all kinds of crazy! I’m happy with the furniture in our place but I recently visited a jazz club that needed much cuter trim around their stage. I know the owner so…. Fun shade of pink, btw! Designers are so ballsy.

    • Kellie Smith says:

      Lol Leilani!! Share the O’verlays with them! Would be awesome around a stage. I’m trying to figure out how to make lighting with them… Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Linda says:

    Well, I had no idea! Thanks for sharing your save and overlay fix. Looks great! Does your mom still throw out furniture?

    • Kellie Smith says:

      Linda, I finally got her trained up right. Sheesh…she was a tough one!!! Lol!!! I still give her a hard time about this!

  3. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Julie Kennedy says:

    Because of you I’m dying to find something to paint! I’ve never seen anything that looked so chic but so easy. I’ll be back, I’m going to find some yard sales. 🙂

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