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Merry and Bright Holiday Home Tour Part 3

It’s time for the final

Merry and Bright Home Tour

Part Three

Come along with me and tour the Merry and Bright Christmas Home Tour! Nine bloggers, nine fabulous inspirations!

and our last week is all about the details.

If you are joining me from Kate at Chic on a Shoestring, thank you!

And welcome everyone!!

The past two weeks have been fabulous, I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my holiday decor with you guys.

I sure hope you have found a little inspiration!

I  have a little bit more to share.  I’d love to share a few of the details around the Casa.

As they say, the devil is in the details….

How about this guy?

He only stops by once a year but we love it when he visits.

This life size Santa is quite old.  I’m not sure how old exactly but he is worn and tattered and perfect.  His face is cherubic with his rosy red cheeks.

Touches 1

His request for this year is for you just to be naughty.

Holiday Home Tour

So be naughty.

This plate was made when the kids were about 6 or 7 years old.   We all put our hand prints on the platter and my friend turned them into reindeer.

touches 2

How cute is this?

I have quite a few Anna Lee Dolls.  I really love their quirky little faces.

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They are bendable and posable and, frankly, just as cute as can be.  There are reindeer, Santa’s, Mrs Claus’s, Elves and more for Christmas.   I have a little bit of all of them and I just mix them in everywhere.

In the dining room I have a large copper ball filled with ornaments, greenery and moss balls.

touches 5

I move it around the house during the year and fill it with different things.

And how about this awesome pillow?  It was a gift and I absolutely love it!!

It’s plaid and sarcastic at the same time.  What’s not to love?

touches 7

Someone knows me well!  Thank you Jenna!!  xxoo

So those are a few of the details of our Christmas decorating!

Here’s my two favorite photos from the Holiday Home Tour…

I love this one of the Living Room with the gifts photoshopped in.

living with gifts

And by the way, I have yet to wrap.

And I love this photo from the dining room…


I’m daring anyone to eat in there yet!

Be sure to head on over and visit Tamyra at Positively Southern.

And visit all the wonderful bloggers in the

Merry and Bright Holiday Home Tour!

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Positively Southern

OMG Lifestyle Blog

Confetti Style

Amy Howard Social

M. Jones Style

Refresh Restyle

Love Your Abode

I sure hope you guys have enjoyed our Home Tour!!

I know I have.

Check out Part 1 and 2!


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  1. yuni says:

    I love your whimsical approach to decorating. It’s full of character and just so fun. Thanks for sharing, Kellie! I’m still in love with that dining room!
    yuni recently posted…Merry and Bright Holiday CheerMy Profile

  2. Marsha Jones says:

    Kellie, you have an amazing holiday home. I have enjoyed the humor and your talented gift of design. Thank you for inviting me on the tour. P.S. Give me that WTF pillow…Pretty Please??? Merry Christmas!
    Marsha Jones recently posted…Merry and Bright Holiday Home Tour Part-3My Profile

    • Kellie Smith says:

      Thank you Marsha!! Haha, my friends know me well…I bet that phrase comes out of my mouth about 10 times a day!! Yikes!!

  3. Elaine says:

    Yes, we are leopard soul sisters for sure! And OMG, your WTF pillow is over the top! I have a friend or two that would be perfect for! Merry Christmas!
    Elaine recently posted…Merry and Bright Holiday Home Tour, Part ThreeMy Profile

    • Kellie Smith says:

      I do love my leopard! Hard to go wrong there isn’t it? And that WTF pillow is perfect for me! I think I might say it a little too often!! Hehee!!!

  4. Kellie, Your home is breathtaking! I love those dark walls! and all the fun colors! I need some leopard in my life 😉
    Debbie @ Refresh Restyle recently posted…Merry & Bright Tour & Sign DIYMy Profile

  5. Kellie,
    Wow…Your home is the definition of holiday happy. So many beautiful and chic Christmas touches. I love it all.
    Shelly@ConfettiStyle recently posted…Easy Holiday AppetizersMy Profile

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