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You’re Gonna Hear Me ROAR: Decorating with Animal Prints

In my opinion, animal prints are a neutral.

They can go with any style, in any room, any time.

And really, don’t you want to have a little ROAR in every room?

It makes it much more interesting.

Here are my favorite ways of decorating with animal prints.

A fun neutral - Animal Prints! They can go with any style in any space! Decorating with Animal Prints

Decorating with Animal Prints


Decorating with Animal Prints: Pillows

1/ Traditional Home  2/ The Visual Vamp

Let’s start with something easy, shall we? Animal print pillows.

For those of you that like just a wee splash of animal print in your home, then start with a few great animal print pillows. I love the yellow contrast that the piping adds to the pillows on the left. Animal prints pair great with just about any color, including tangerine as shown on the right. The white and tangerine pillows on the sofa also mimic tiger stripes.

Animal Print Chairs

Decorating with Animal Prints: Chairs

1/ Little Green Notebook  2/ Luella & June  3/ John Lyle Style 4/ Mark D. Sikes

Ready to take animal prints to the next level. Start with a small accent chair, then move onto a comfy animal print club chair. What about a chic lounger?

Animal Print Rugs and Carpet

Decorating with Animal Prints: Rugs

1/ The Foo Dog Ate My Homework  2/ Family Chic  3/ homedit

Kick it up another notch with an animal print rug, along with the best rug pads to match the color scheme.

Or just carpet the entire room,.

Animal Print Wall

Decorating with Animal Prints: Wallpaper

AD Magazine

Create an accent wall with an animal print wallpaper. You could also stencil an animal print onto your wall if you don’t want to commit to wallpaper.

Mixing Animal Prints

Decorating with Animal Prints: Mixing Animal Prints

1/ Dust Jacket  2/ Adorable Home

Don’t be afraid to mix animal prints! I love how this bedroom paired an animal print chair with an animal print bedspread. The leopard print chair in the right photo works perfectly with the floral drapes.

And if you really want to go bold with animal prints…

Decorating with Animal Prints: Zebra

Elle Decor

You could always have a zebra coming out of your wall.

What do you think about decorating with animal prints? 

Where do you use them in your home? 

You can find all these animal print inspirations and more on my

All About Animal Prints Pinterest board.


A fun neutral - Animal Prints! They can go with any style in any space! Decorating with Animal Prints

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