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JuJu Hats: A Design Obsession

JuJu Hats

A beautiful design element with a fascinating history, JuJu hats are go to accessory for many designers.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

JuJu Hats bring a wonderful organic and natural element to a room.

They themselves are a work of art.

Once only worn by a chosen few to signify power or wealth, their meaning is steeped in mystery throughout history.  Many believe they hold magical powers, both good and evil.

I do not know if they possess any power but they are certainly beautiful and that is magical enough for me.

Quite amazing no?  I would love to see a tribal ceremony for myself.  And that beadwork…

Bucket List Item.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via Trip Freakz

A juju hat and pillows made from Suzani’s?  Yes.  Yes and yes.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via Brandts Indoor

How gorgeous is this bathroom?  Quite.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via A Storied Style

This room is incredible.  The mix of the industrial with the organic is really pretty.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via La Boheme blog

I do not think I could ever love this room any more than I do right now.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via Odie Tamo Blog

Amazing.  Notice how the arch of the ceiling mimics the top of the hat and the stool shape mimics the bottom.  A++++!!  I love, love love this.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via Lush Home

How about a more feminine approach?  Very ethereal.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via Cup Half Full

Black and white is always a classic.  The juju hat softness really takes the edge off all of the hard surfaces.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

via The Inspired Room

We used two hats in this gorgeous (if I do say so myself) living room…

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

Then my Smith-Honig partner, Melanie, and I created a digital version for my master bedroom.

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

We are actually creating a home decor line that will feature the juju hat.  Stay tuned for that!

You can read more about the Casa de Loco kitchen, master bath, and living room.

How about a DIY juju hat?

Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!

Tricia at Suburban Bitches has a great tutorial.

So what are you thinking?  Love them?  Hate them?  Have them?

I’d love to know.


Do you love juju hats as much as I do? They bring an organic and natural element into any space. White, colorful and a DIY version are all here. Take a look!


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  1. Oh my gosh – I love juju hats so much I want to marry them. That pinkish bathroom is amazing – and the modern fireplace with the juju hat and art. Plus, that one of the three orangey-red ones is (I think) a Barry Dixon show house, which has inspired so many things in my house!
    Melanie Hönig recently posted…8 Things I’ve Learned from Solo TravelMy Profile

    • Kellie Smith says:

      I KNOW!!!! Lol!! I love them all! Yes, I was thinking the orange ones were in a Bary Dixon design. Thanks for stopping by the blog today!

  2. Thanks for including my tutorial Kellie! I love all the rooms you’ve included. Maybe I need a few more juju’s in my house…

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